The Power of Inclusion

A true leader doesn’t create separation. They see the power in all people and they don’t shy away from including everyone. It is a trait that will bring your company to new heights, both professionally and personally.

Start by having everyone get together for regular team meetings. This blows past small talk quickly, sets the tone for what is to come, builds rapport, and makes sure all team members are heard equally.

Plan the right questions and you’ll be taking a step in the direction that will lead to a more inclusive office.

To do this, run. these meetings and have a set agenda:

Daily huddles - Ask questions like what did you accomplish yesterday that moved the company forward, what are you working on today, and how can I help?

Weekly managers meeting - Ask what went well last month, what didn’t go so hot, here are some ways we can improve moving forward. How can I help?

Monthly office-wide meeting - Have one big meeting where you hear reports from every department on their progress for that month. This keeps everyone informed about how everyone else is doing across the company

Monthly board meetings - In this meeting, you can discuss company decisions, new hires, upcoming projects, and review company financials.

6 monthly performance reviews - More than providing evaluation, this is the time to think about what each team member has brought to the company. Discuss whether or not they are meeting their goals, and ask if there are any new stretch goals for the next 6 months

Annual Planning Meeting - This meeting should be a time for everyone to look back on the past year and create goals for the next. Help them build their own roadmaps that show how they hope to improve and grow in the upcoming months.


These meetings build rapport among employees, give everyone a chance to participate, provide insight into what other departments are doing, improve communication throughout the company, and keep everyone on the same page.


Interdependence (teamwork) is the glue that holds a firm together.


 P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you grow your Accounting or Bookkeeping business:

1. Download a free copy of our book - The Accountants 20 Hour Workweek
In this free book, we highlight the No.1 strategy that’s had the biggest impact on building our own practice to run without the owners - Click here

2. Join our free Wize Accountants Mastermind group
It’s our new free online community to share daily insights, tips and free tools to grow your practice — Click Here

3. Save $’000s in your practice every month with this new program
We’ve just released a new practice acceleration program which will help you save money and time every month whilst taking your practice to a new level of growth. See if you qualify - Click here

4. Build your firm to run without you
We have the step-by-step plan to grow a seven figure profit practice that can run without the owner. Would you like it? - Click here


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